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My 5 year plan

I think it's pretty fair to say that everyone has a 5 year plan, or at least some aspirations of where they'd like to be in about 5 years time. Well this is mine... I don't have a specific plan in mind but I do have a firm idea of the type of person I'd like to be.

In all likelihood I'll be married in 5 years and have a baby. I can't decide if thats a good thing or a bad thing... But either way being a good father and husband are the 2 things I'm looking to be doing right in 5 years time.

My fiance is by far the most important person in my life and it's my goal to love and support her as much as I can - Be that through helping her with her bike on the way home from work, washing the pots after she's made tea or just easing some of her stress after a long day at work. I definitely don't get it right all the time, but we can't wait to be married and commit our lives to being there for each other!

And then there's babies... Most couples talk about babies, be it a good talk or a bad talk but personally I can't wait! I love the idea of having a tiny baby, a blank slate, with which I can care for and teach about the world! A tiny someone who I can care for and relies on me. So I might not be quite ready for fatherhood right now but when I am I look forward to being a proud parent.

Of course to make these 2 things happen one needs money. I'm currently coming to the end of my placement year and therefore coming to the end of my first year in working life. It's been an interesting year, more than anything it's gone a whole lot quicker than I ever would have imagined! But interesting none the less.

I learnt how to take real pride in my work and see a task through to its 100% completion. Usually I'm a little... Slack, when it comes to finishing a job but working, and particularly working in a job I enjoy made me want to succeeded and do a task properly. This in itself was something Id never really cared for before! My goal in 5 years is to be in a similar situation to what Im currently coming to an end of - To be doing a job a can enjoy and take pride in while supporting my family!

So thats it; my 5 year plan. I'm sure it's not that different to most peoples - Loving husband, caring father, Enjoyable job. Obviously attaining these goals is something different entirely but I believe it'll be the mistakes I make and the lessons I learn over the next 5 years which will help me eventually arrive at where I want to be.

Tom x

About the Author

My name is Tom Johnson!

I'm 22 years old and a studying Audio Engineer at the University of Huddersfield.

On here you'll find a fine collection of my thoughts, side projects and things I generally find interesting.

Hope you enjoy!

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