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Ready For The Sunshine!

So here we are again. Another year has rolled round and we find ourselves on the very crisp of Summer again!

The nights are light, the children are playing, my eyes are full of hayfever induced tears and I'm telling myself I can pull of sunglasses and still look cool... I don't look cool.

Now traditionally I'm not a Summer man. In all honesty I used to hate it! It was just 3 months of being too hot to move and whenever I did move I found myself so sweaty I felt like I could go swimming without a pool.

And of course if I did manage to leave the house to go to the shops I'd be tripping over children of various ages who we're up to some mischief or another.

I always spent my summers wishing it was Winter; Winter was definitely the season for me! I could cuddle up in a blanket, stay in and not have to think about socializing with people. However over the past few years I've found myself making the most of my Summers more and more.

Three years ago I went away on a "Lads Holiday" to Malia with 3 of my friends. That was possibly the best Summer of my life! Not only because of the holiday but because it was the Summer when I properly started dating my now fiance. Every day was spent walking down the road to her house in my shorts with my (very uncool) sunglasses on and listening to happy Summer tunes. Which usually consisted of Foals or Bombay Bicycle Club.

It was an incredibly fun summer for me and since then I've found that I have lost my love for Winter and pinned for the warmer climates.

My last Summer was a similar one; it all started with a Holiday. A friend of mine invited me to a long weekend house-party in Bristol. I'd never been to Bristol before but the city was amazing (and the party wasn't too bad either). After coming back from 4 days of alcoholism the summer was spent with my friends back home, building a brand new computer and moving into a new house with my fiance.

With the pressures of academic life mounting the long Summer break starts to become the vestige of freedom that myself and my friends all longed for.

It has become the opportunity to spend all day in the pub, only where pajamas or spend all day on Skype playing games. In a way Summer has begun to feel more valuable as soon there will be no more opportunities for that. As university draws to a close the long breaks will pass and be replaced with a working life.

Summer for me now stands as a gleaming opportunity to make the most of my friends and family. I find myself with the time and motivation to work and improve myself while also enjoying a refreshing Beer and making the most of the time I can spend with the people that really matter.

If you find yourself with a similar summer love to mine then feel free to let me how you make the most of your Summer

Tom J x

About the Author

My name is Tom Johnson!

I'm 22 years old and a studying Audio Engineer at the University of Huddersfield.

On here you'll find a fine collection of my thoughts, side projects and things I generally find interesting.

Hope you enjoy!

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